Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Astrology: Sabian Symbols, Haiku?


Being a newly turned-on astrology nerd, I have just learned about Sabian Symbols, which are a set of 'images' (as described in words) that were psychically channeled by a woman in California, along with the help of two male contemporaries, in 1925.

I went and looked up my 'Sabian Symbols'  (just the description of the 'image' - there are other parts to a Sabian Symbol, such as a short divinatory meaning and a keyword [which may also prove fun to 'play' with!]) for my natal chart, and was delighted with the result.

As you may or may not know, a natal chart is basically a 'picture' of the sky, from the perspective of your place of birth on earth, at the moment of your birth. As such, it is basically a circle (360 degrees) that is further delineated by 12 'signs' (each being 30 degrees and aligning with an astrological constellation that is in that section of the sky) and by 'house' (a whole different way of slicing up the sky that sort of overlaps the 'sign' delineation, based on the horizon). Please note: even the planets that are on the other side of the earth (and therefore, technically unseen at the time of your birth) are still represented and have their influence. Thus- the 360 degree chart (rather than only the portion of the sky that can actually be seen from your birthplace). Make sense?

Here is a random example of one I found online (John Travolta!):
john travolta natal chart
Here, you can see the horizon line (the horizontal arrow through the middle of the circle that is pointing to the left). So, all the planets under that line are unseen as they are on the other side of the earth. Got it? Good!

At any rate, planets, luminaries (the sun and the moon) and different special 'points' are represented in a natal chart. Below is a list that I will be using:

Ascendant (these first three in bold are known as the big three - most folks are familiar with their sun sign- the one you use to look up your 'horoscope' but the other two really flesh out a fella or a gal! Please note: sometimes the 'ascendant' is called the 'rising' sign.)
True Node (where the path of the moon intersects the path of the earth, as I understand it.)
Mid-heaven (sort of the middle of the sky near the top of your chart - where the arrow bisects John Travoltas chart, above, pointing straight up.)

Now, each of these planets/luminaries/points lies within a portion of the great circle that is delineated by 'sign'. And, for each of the 12 signs, there are 30 degrees (making one complete circle at 360 degrees, n'est-ce pas?). For each degree, there is a 'Sabian Symbol'. Taken in the order above, the Sabian Symbols end up making these very poignant little haikulettes (my new favorite, just-made-up word!).

I love my Sun-Moon-Ascendant haikulette:

Daybreak ~
The groundhog looking for its shadow ~
Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows ~

(I can't wait to make a collage for this one! I'll post it if/when I do!)

Then, if you keep going in this manner, you end up with a neat and tidy haikulette SET (where the opening line is also the closing line). As such:

Daybreak ~
The groundhog looking for its shadow ~
Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows ~

Glass blowers ~
Grandes Dames at tea ~
A clown making grimaces ~

An auto wrecked by a train ~
A flag at half-mast ~
A fellowship supper ~

The pyramids and the sphinx ~
A noon siesta~
A boat landing washed away ~

A bridge being built across a gorge ~
A large disappointed audience ~

Isn't that something? Wow.
It's almost like a night of dreaming...
I love it!!!
I want to do one for everybody!

I found these links very informative, if you care to try this out yourself (please share what you come up with!):

Sabian Symbols Introduction
Sabian Symbol 'Headings' (the verbal 'images' - to make your haikulette!)

And, to get a natal chart for yourself, I suppose you could search for a free online natal chart (I was going to post a link to the place I got mine, only it looks like they aren't free anymore).

Have a sparkling day!

~Aunt Magic

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