Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Altars - The Wheel {X}

The Wheel Altar

The Wheel. "To turn, turn, will be our delight, til by turning, turning, we come round right." That is an old Quaker saying that I fell in love with the moment I read it. Now, with my new understanding through the study of this card, it makes even more sense!

Imagine that you are at the center of a great wheel. Out at the edge of the wheel is the world. When you lose your center, you are getting sucked out to the edge of the wheel and getting lost in the world. It is pulling you every which way and you are racing just to keep up. RELAX! Fall back to center and things become so much simpler and more straightforward. Stay in your center, and you can manage all of the things 'out there' so much more easily! It is, in a sense, the physical form of what happens during meditation. The mind chases all of the little thoughts all over the place (normally), but then- you can always come back to the breath (meditation!). You can even let the thoughts go and just stay HERE (now, you're really "getting somewhere!"). That's the center of the wheel. That's sitting on your throne.

There is more to the wheel than that, though! (As if that weren't enough!) We were asked this question during our guided visualizations when studying this card in my Tarot Archetypes class: "What was your face before you were born?" I would tell you my response, but I don't think it would have much bearing on YOUR life. We all have our own answers... And, sometimes, we live much more with the mystery than any kind of actual 'answer' anyway! If we had all the answers, I suppose we wouldn't BE here! So... Entertain questions like these. See where they take you. Come back to center. Always come back to center. That is the teaching of The Wheel! Enjoy!!!

Much love, 
Aunt Magic

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