Monday, August 27, 2012

Altars - The Lovers {VI}

{The Lovers: Choice, Integration, The Great Rite, etc.}

For most of our studies with the cards in my class, we were guided through visualizations or shamanic style "journeys". For the lovers card, we did not do this. As a result, I feel that I have not incorporated the teaching of the card as thoroughly as with the other cards. Therefore, forgive me if my expression of the meaning of this card as I see it seems unclear- that would be because it is!
That being said, I do believe I found great insight in the meaning of the card as it is described in our book: "Love requires surrender, and surrender requires choice." This idea made me realize that I was still resisting fully loving my own husband because I was unwilling to fully surrender. It would seem -following the logic of the saying- that I had not fully made the choice to accept him unconditionally. I was still waiting to make sure he was 'good enough' or something like that.

This card helped me realize that I still had a choice about him and our marriage. And, what's more, that I wouldn't have it any other way. This decision, on that deeper level, allowed me to begin to surrender... To truly love him. To open to and appreciate him for his bold, masculine energy without feeling that it threatened my undulating, female energy. I began to see him as The Lord {The Emperor - IV} and myself as The Lady {The Empress - III}. This union is a balanced and peaceful one, wherein the differing energies are allowed to be different, accepted as they are, as they balance and support each other. This marriage is representative of the Great Rite, the union of opposites, creating a third thing that is greater than the sum of it's parts.

OK- maybe I understood it a little better than I thought. ;}

Happy Surrendering!!!

with love, Aunt Magic

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