Thursday, May 24, 2012

Altars - The Emperor {IV}

 {The Emperor or The Lord: Protector, Father, Boundary-setter, Foundation}

{Holly King, Sun-God, Lion, Horse, Elk, Red, Spicy, Jasper, Pine Tree, Santa!}

The teachings of this archetype for me were very challenging! Most of my life thus far, I have not been very good with boundaries! There is also an aspect of firmness with an element of nurturing (not forgetting The Empress {III}, who came before The Emperor, whose altar I didn't get a picture of... perhaps I will have to make a new one.). This balance of the qualities of The Empress and The Emperor became remarkably clear to me in dealing with my young son; I had to have a 'Father' in me as well as the 'Mother' who usually resides in me. I couldn't be ALL squishy, wishy-washy comfort! I had to have boundaries, clarity, and firmness, as well! It was an interesting lesson. It's amazing what a symbol can teach you if you are open and willing to listen!!

(We happened to be studying this card near the holidays, which made my altar feel very a propos! I borrowed the animal magnets from my son's collection on our fridge and the holly is from our own backyard!)